Unmarried? Questions You Should Ask Before Buying a Home Together
CMS Mortgage Solutions Inc.
CMS Mortgage Solutions Inc.
Author: P.J. Yates - Senior Marketing Director
Published on May 23, 2022
Unmarried? Questions You Should Ask Before Buying a Home Together - CMS Mortgage Solutions

Unmarried? Questions You Should Ask Before Buying a Home Together

Co-ownership is becoming more popular as couples decide to live together without tying the knot. The number of single people who own their home has nearly tripled in the last two decades, and many new homeowners choose this living arrangement for various reasons – whether it be because they want extra income from renting out rooms or just don’t have time on their hands with work commitments outside home life!

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However you come up with your plan (or if there’s no idea yet), these questions will help make sure that everything runs smoothly between yourself and your partner.

Who is applying for the mortgage?

Buying a house is not just about finding the perfect place for your family to live, it’s also an investment. You should compare mortgage options and determine who will be applying before you start looking at homes because there can sometimes been confusion when two people are buying property together without being married or in some other relationship that defines their financial stability – this means one partner could end up with better terms. It is important to have a conversation about your credit before applying for the mortgage. Take time and review each other’s scores, debt-to income ratios, incomes as well as employment status so you can make an informed decision on what will work best with both parties involved in this purchases.

Assuming both members of the couple are credit-worthy and want to be on the mortgage, it doesn’t matter who applies. Whoever fills out the application will be the one responsible for making the monthly payments. If one person can’t or doesn’t want to be on the mortgage, the other person may have to get a loan solo.

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How will we split the costs of the home?

There are a few different ways that unmarried couples can split the costs of a home. One way is for each person to contribute an equal percentage of their income towards the overall cost of the home. Another way is for each person to contribute a set amount of money towards the home, regardless of their income. And finally, some couples choose to have one person contribute the majority of the funds for the home, with the other person contributing what they can afford.

It’s important to discuss how you will split the costs of a home before making any purchase, as this can help to avoid any conflict or misunderstanding down the road. You’ll also want to consider how you will handle other expenses related to the home, such as utility bills, repairs, and property taxes.

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How will we split the responsibilities for upkeep and bills?

This is another important question to consider before buying a home together. It’s important to come up with a system that everyone is comfortable with and can agree to. One option is for each person to take responsibility for a certain area of the home, such as the kitchen, bathrooms, or yard. Another option is for each person to contribute an equal amount towards bills and upkeep. Whatever you decide, be sure to put it in writing so there is no confusion down the road.

What happens if one of us wants to move out?

If one of you wants to move out, you’ll need to figure out what to do with the property. You may be able to sell it, but if the housing market is down or you owe more than the property is worth, that may not be an option. You could try to rent it out, but then you’d be responsible for being a landlord, which can be a lot of work. If you can’t come to an agreement about what to do with the property, your only other option may be to go through a formal process called “partitioning,” which would involve going to court.

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Should We Get a Cohabitation Agreement?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it depends on the couple’s individual circumstances. However, it is something that couples should discuss and decide together before purchasing a home. If you do decide to get a cohabitation agreement, you should consult with an attorney to draft one that meets your specific needs.

If one of us dies, what happens?

If one of the members of an unmarried couple dies, the survivor will likely inherit the home. However, it is important to have a will in place to ensure that this happens according to the couple’s wishes. If there is no will, the laws of inheritance will determine who gets the home. It is also important to note that if the couple has any joint debts, the survivor will be responsible for paying those off.

What Happens to the Person Not on the Mortgage?

The person on the mortgage can sell it with or without their partners’ permission. The unnamed partner has no ownership stake in this house.

Buying a home is a huge decision, and it’s important to discuss all of the details with your partner before you make any commitments. By asking each other these questions, you’ll be able to come to an agreement about what you both want and need from a home. This will help ensure that there are no surprises down the road.

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